Day 13 Motion

The motion and movements of swinging, whether watching my children on it or I for a nostalgic retreat, allows me to capture and live in a pure moment of joy, happiness, and childlike satisfaction.  A brief moment on the swing swallows all my troubles and cares of this world.  The breeze in my face, hair spinning behind me, and swooping to and fro….let this moment last forever.

Day 10 Mystery

Twilight at Bird Park

Before having dinner in Volcano, we made a quick trip to Bird Park to take a short hike.  The native birds chirped peacefully as the overcast gray sky opened up and turned into a beautiful shade of blue while the moon shown through what was once healthy ‘ohi’a trees that flourished with dark green leaves and bloomed with delicate lehua. 

Day 8 Natural World

Marungay Shoot

We recently trimmed our marungay plant because it was getting too tall for us to reach the leaves.  The leaves that we use to cook and consume provide important vitamins A, B, C and more. It is rich in iron and also increases lactation in breastfeeding women. The raw leaf is bitter with a bark like earthy flavor.  However, when pulverized in a blender, the raw flavor is masked by smoothie ingredients like almond milk, yogurt, citrus and or banana and honey.  When it is cooked, it adds a nice delicate leafy texture to my favorite Filipino soupy dish.  It’s a super superfood.  The best thing about it is how comforting it is to know that I can still have a connection with my dad through the food that he cooked and put on the table when I was a child.  

Day 7 Big


Puppy’s Paw

Meet our 4 month old bullador.  His paws are as big as his head in this photo.  At this time, his paws are unusually large and it seems heavy by the way he trots around the house.  He picks up each front paw and flaps it upward before slapping it back on the floor.  It’s a funny sight to see.  However, it doesn’t stop him from galloping around the yard as he fetches his favorite toy or stick.  Here’s hoping that he will grow into these monstrous paws!🐾🐾🐾

Day 6 Connect

Pool Party Inner Tubing

This was a Sunday pool party connecting with my girlfriends.  We are all busy moms and I was so thankful to take a break from house chores to participate in this gathering.  While we had a chance to catch up on this year’s new blessings, our kids had a chance to connect as well!